Design and Analysis of Multi Storied Building by Changing Different Shapes of Shearwall for Zone IV & V Under Plain and Sloping Ground Condition
Authors- M.Tech. Scholar Shriya Chandrakant Agrawal1, Prof. Pratiksha Malviya2
Abstract- In India, very few buildings are designed properly by structural engineers. Proper analysis and design of building structures that are subjected to static and dynamic loads is very important. Another important factor in the analysis of these systems is obtaining acceptable accuracy in the results. The object of this study is to model and analyze shear wall-frame structures having different thickness and location of wall in the structure and we will also discuss effect of soft storey and opening in shear wall.Shear wall has high in plane stiffness and strength which may be used to at the same time resist large horizontal loads and support gravity loads. For the buildings on sloping ground, the peak of columns below plinth level isn’t same that affects the performance of building throughout earthquake. So to enhance the seismic performance of building on sloping ground the shear walls play important role.
Purification of synthesized Hydroxy Methyl Furfural (HMF) Extracted from organic waste
Authors- Vinutha Moses1, Dr.Archana2, Lakshmi priyanka G1, Dr. M.A Lourdu Antony Raj1.
Abstract- Organic domestic waste and agricultural waste poses a serious threat, since they ferment, creating conditions favorable to the survival and growth of microbial pathogens. Direct handling of solid waste can result in various types of infectious and chronic diseases with the waste workers and the rag pickers being the most vulnerable. Hence the organic waste was treated in a way that a product hydroxy methyl furfural (HMF) was developed that has a market value. HMF is not only a new resin in the market but has other great potential applications. and it has given a different dimension to the research that exists in a research field. HMF is also classified as a food improvement agent in food industry in the form of food additive as well as a flavoring agent for food products and also produced industrially as a carbon neutral feedstock and other chemicals. Moreover, HMF is termed as the sleeping giant as a solidified and polymerized version of HMF can also be used to make biodegradable plastics, but the yield and purity available in literature is not appreciable to HMF. and there exists only limited amount of purification procedures for HMF. The yield and purity of HMF must be increased to enhance the applications. Therefore, this research focuses on increased the purity of HMF by different methods.
Bio-ethanol Production from Sugarcane Bagasse using Pichia Stipitis
Authors- Archana D., Jagadish H Patil
Abstract- – In the present scenario, due to the increase in demand and supply of fuel consumption and fluctuation in cost of crude oil, the world is searching for alternative fuels. Renewable energy systems are rapidly becoming more efficient and cheaper such that their share of total energy consumption is increasing. Ethanol production from bagasse is often complex process which involves four main steps namely pretreatment, hydrolysis, fermentation and finally recovery with purification. In the pretreatment step, there will be moisture removal and size reduction. The second step involves acid hydrolysis of Sugarcane Bagasse using 0.1 to 0.5M sulphuric acid. The highest concentration of Ethanol produced was 331 ml/l using 12.5gm of SCB and 0.3M Sulphuric acid with the aid of Pichia stipitis.
Survey on Enhance Reputation Based Approach for Detection Malicious Post from Social Networks Apps Using Data Mining Techniques
Authors- Phd Scholar Rupali Vishwakarma, Dr. Pratima Gautam
Abstract- – Online social networks apps main downside pretends content or malicious uniform resource locator, a.k.a. malicious web site, could be a common and high threat to cyber security. Malicious uniform resource locator host uninvited content (fake post, spam, phishing etc.) on-line social networks like Face book, Twitter, Hike, Instagram and WhatsApp are popularly utilized by community peoples for private and skilled use. the most aim of victimization networking sites are sharing photos, audio and video files and alternative media additionally written works, posting a resume for job looking etc. on these apps Face book is wide used for human action past and current friends, for advertising concerning business, products, textiles, education, etc. Before victimization these sites, we tend to additionally targeted on personal and skilled knowledge security. Hackers well knew the potential of victimization these apps for spreading malware and spam. During this paper, our contribution aims concerning detection unauthorized users and additionally malicious applications. We, so use Facebookapps Face book Rigorous Application authority. That argued to target detection harmful applications on Face book. Facebookapps additionally contributes for distinguishing pretend user account to stop the private data. Our result indicate that classifying malicious apps and observe pretend user requests on Face book. Our survey summary many type problems like spam URL’s and fake post or fake information, fake accounts. Allover problem for not secure OSN. But our purpose secure user account and detection malicious applications and fake user accounts.
Results and Analysis of Hexagrid and Diagrid Systems in Multi Storey Buildings
Authors- M. Tech. Scholar Deepak Laata, Assistant Professor Mayank Mehandiratta
Abstract- – More recently, the diagrid structural system with tubular behavior is being employed as structurally efficient as well as architecturally satisfying structural system for tall buildings. Perimeter diagonals act as a facade, which governs the aesthetics of the building to a great degree. In order to improve the efficient of tube-type structures in tall buildings, a new structural system called Hexagrid (Beehive) is introduced in this paper. In the hexagrid structure system, almost all the conventional vertical columns are eliminated. Hexagrid structural system consists of Hexagrid perimeter which is made up of a network of multi-storey tall hex-angulated truss system. Hexagrid is formed by intersecting the diagonal and horizontal components. The project is focused to horizontal hexagrid pattern which aims to investigate the optimal angle and a topology of diagonal members in a hexagrid frame using finite element analysis and to study the structural properties of hexagonal structures so as to compare their potential efficiency with the conventional systems. This effect can be better appreciated by analyzing the results in terms of interstorey drift, time period and displacement.
A Review on Integrated Control and Protection System for Photovoltaic Microgrids
Authors- M.Tech. Scholar Gaurav Dilip Shirore, Asst. Prof. Dr. Prabodh Kumar Khampariya
Abstract- – A microgrid is defined as a type of the grid consisting of prime energy movers, power electronics converters, distributed energy storage systems and local loads. Microgrid network enables an improved management of energy. The main goal of power management is to stabilize the system, in terms of frequency and voltage. This paper includes issues such as faults during grid connected mode and faults during islanded mode, voltage control, load sharing through P-f control and various types of protection schemes are discussed. Overall stability and reliability of microgrid depends on these factors.
Performance Improvement of VSC Based HVDC Transmission Techniques
Authors- Prabha uikey, Dr. Anil Kori
Abstract- – This papers deals with a new three-level Voltage Source Converter (VSC) with its dynamic control and power quality improvement for High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) system. The proposed three-level voltage source converter (VSC) topology for HVDC system consists of two converter stations fed from two different ac systems. The active power is transferred between the stations either way. The reactive power is controlled independently in each converter station. The three-level VSC is operated at optimum dead angle which gives the harmonic performance equivalent to a two-level 24-pulse voltage source converter. Both converters stations can be operated as either a rectifier or an inverter according to their direction of active power flow. These VSC based converters are operated at Fundamental Frequency Switching (FFS) to reduce the losses in the system. A control algorithm is developed for bidirectional active power flow, independent reactive power control for both rectifier and inverter stations. The proposed converter topology is found highly suitable for high power rating systems and this result in a substantial reduction in switching losses and avoiding additional reactive power plant and filter arrangements. Simulation is carried to verify the performance of the proposed VSC topology and control method for bidirectional active power flow and their independent reactive power control. Index Terms – HVDC System, Three-level Voltage Source Converter, Dead Angle, Fundamental Frequency Switching, Active Power Flow, Reactive Power Control, Power Quality, and Total Harmonic Distortion.