Research has been a part of society and will always be. It shares keen importance in different sectors mainly in achieving scientific milestones. Scholars and research individuals working in the field of academic and scientific research do research in different subjects and publish it in journals to share with others in the field. They often look for free international journal publication to publish their research work.
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How to prepare article for free international journal publication
One can follow the steps given below to prepare article for free international journal publication:
Collect data – Before writing an article for publication one should gather the data for the research, prepare a questionnaire, and other dataset for the study. Data and methods used in the research should be authentic and genuine. Do not use misleading information, everything used in the research articles should be fact based.
Prepare format of the paper – one should prepare an outline of the paper in which they want to show the research work. Generally a scientific research article consists of title, abstract, keywords, introduction, literature, methods, result & discussion, conclusion and references. So use these headings or similar to it while writing a research article for publication.
Follow author guidelines – explore the journal pages and read author guidelines carefully. Generally these guidelines share the order of journal article writing in detail. It helps authors in preparing their research work as per journal’s standard.
Abstract and keyword – Write an abstract of the paper discussing overview of the research concisely. Abstract plays an important role in readership of the article. It is included to avoid reading irrelevant content from one’s domain. Many journal’s firstly ask for abstract and keywords before accepting a full paper for review so prepare it carefully.
If you are also looking for an international journal to publish your research work then do visit the international journal of science engineering and technology. This journal provides publication in different fields of science, engineering, latest technologies, humanities and other subjects based on scientific research. Individuals can submit their research work for review and publication. This journal does not ask fees to issue a certificate of publication.