Journal of Advanced Scientific Research

7 Mar

Some common Concepts for Journal of Advanced Scientific Research

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After months and years of hard work finally, a researcher reaches a stage where he needs to search for a perfect journal of advanced scientific research. For this, a researcher scrolls through various journals that are available on the internet. For such people, there are some facts that you have to check about what is the demand for a particular journal. IJSET wants to share some of our expert opinions with our authors.

Types of Research Articles in Journal of Advanced Scientific Research

Several journals publish research of a particular format some of the prominent ones that the journal expects from the researchers are-

  1. Original articles: these are in-depth research of any in any of the scientific disciplines.
  2. Short communications: these types of work should be in a complete format. It is recommended that the total number of tables and figures should not be more than 6 along with the word limit of three thousand.
  3. Review articles: should be less than ten thousand words and should possess a well-structured abstract with references. A researcher has to pay attention to the explanation part of his research paper as it will be checked.
  4. Mini-reviews: these are special reviews that contain a review from a recent topic and are discussed in a focused manner while keeping the word limit as well.
  5. Special reports: should contain an overview on any topics especially in case of clinical topics.

We hope that now you are well aware of the different types of research papers and the format in which they have to present in any journal. Following all such rules, you can easily get your paper to publish in any leading Journal of Advanced Scientific Research.