Paper Publishing Sites

19 Mar

Websites that publish blogs, news, video, content, are free to post as per the type of data policy adopted by the country government. Research content is governed by international organization ISSN allows the publisher to publish content under of limited area as per publication editorial publishing experience. Scholars searching for paper publishing sites that publish their hard work and content get live on platforms either in print or digital version. online research paper publication has a wide reach around the globe as similar topic other researchers can easily read the paper and come to know about techniques proposed by the author. Mentors always force scholars to publish research paper online journal that has good presence around the globe. This article further help budding researcher to resolve a question: How to submit a research paper, under folowing important points for journal selection.

Paper Publication Charges

Submit Paper /Manuscript Submission

  1. Journal ISSN number allot to the web domain like, to check it visit issn portal 
  2. International Journal website domain name should be atleast 5 year old, as most of new journal get close in 1 or 2 years.
  3. Check previous volume issues of the journal for finding publication pattern and type of paper content journal accept for publication.
  4. Submit your research paper through links like Submit Paper, Submit Manuscript, Call of papers
  5. Publication charges for publication, processing charges for review a paper need to be check before submitting research paper to journal as without payment publisher do not publish content even after acceptanc email.
  6. Research paper publication sites should have authors instruction with revewer list or editorial board member names. This increases the authrenticity of the journal.
  7. Follow journal paper format as this reduces the time of publication and helps the publisher to review the paper in a short time.

Hope the above points help scholars to list journals that match their requirement for paper publication. One last important point is to consult your mentor about the journal before publication.