Review Paper Publishing Journals

23 May

Research start with an idea to solve a problem in specific domain. Each research domain has its own set of methods to resolve and learn an issue. Most of domains were already explored by the people hence it is always desired to have a deep survey of the domain by reading related articles, books, watch or visit related content. Finding a review paper publishing journals is major task for young authors. Writing a review paper is another major task as it need lot of paper summaries with arrangement of content. Some of writing tips that increases the review paper chance of publication were list below:

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Paper Title: Review word should be present in paper writing. Many of researcher need to read review paper so they always search with a Review or Survey word.

Abstract: Paper abstract should mention the outline of the review paper with domain introduction and outcome for the reader. Major organizations need to be mention in paper.

Literature Survey: Always include good literature survey in the paper like a story that has some sequence of time, techniques, results, findings, improvements etc. This increase reader interest to read paper, before that this help author to have deeper knowledge of the research domain.

Comparing Tables: Always include comparing table in paper that include the name of techniques, models, results etc. If possible then find the relation between the entries.

Review paper Publishing Journals

International Journal need to be have proper ISSN number with the set of publication in relevant field of research. As journal is international so some of authors in the published content should be from different country. Each of journal has its own set of rules of publication that include submission, review, publication, certificates, etc. Many of journals have some language restriction as well, so it is suggested to read all instruction related to journal publication before submission.

Review paper citation has more chance as compared to research, so it is desired to write such paper but acceptance of such papers are limited. Writing a good review paper depends on its length as well. This article help scholars to find and write good review paper or survey paper for publication.