Study the Effects of Trailing Edge Geometry on Airfoil Performance

25 Jul

Study the Effects of Trailing Edge Geometry on Airfoil Performance

Authors- Vedant Chaudhari

Abstract-The primary objective of this paper is to investigate the impact of trailing edge geometry on airfoil performance. The chosen airfoil, such as NACA 652415, serves as the basis for four distinct cases, each involving variations in the trailing edge. This leads to alterations in the airfoil geometry and NACA series. In the first case, the trailing edge is configured to be sharp. In the second case, the trailing edge is rounded by inscribing a circle with a specific radius. The third case involves considering a circumcircle at the trailing edge point and drawing tangents connecting the airfoil. The fourth case introduces changes to the dimensions of the circle. The project utilizes IMIME software for meshing and CFD++ for CFD analysis, both developed by Metacomp Technologies. The analysis is centred around examining key aerodynamic parameters, including the coefficient of lift, coefficient of drag, pitching moment, drag polar, coefficient of pressure, and the location of the Centre of pressure. These investigations are conducted across a range of angles of attack to comprehensively understand the airfoil’s performance under varying conditions. This investigation utilizes IMIME software for meshing and CFD++ for CFD analysis, both developed by Metacomp Technologies.

DOI: /10.61463/ijset.vol.12.issue4.200