A Study of the Marketing Approaches Employed by Ayurvedic Companies, Focusing on Patanjali and Dabur
Authors- Associate Professor Himanshu Verma, Assistant Professor Anshul
Abstract- Approximately 65% of the population lives in rural regions, whereas 35% is located in urban areas. Since most of the population lives in rural areas of India, so both the companies have put their efforts and innovative approaches in capturing the rural market. The closeness of Multinational Companies (MNCs) has created remarkable competition among businesses within the nation. Their substantial presence results in a continual stream of new products designed to entice consumers. In this highly competitive environment, companies strive for product differentiation and a competitive advantage in order to target larger market segments consistently. Baba Ramdev and Dr. SK Berman is the key driving force behind Patanjali Ayurved and Dabur. The business growth of Patanjali and Dabur is also shown through this paper. It includes a SWOT analysis of Patanjali and Dabur.Dabur, one of India’s largest FMCG companies, offers a wide range of leading products in the personal care, healthcare, and food & beverages segments in the market, whereas Patanjali is also one of the fastest-growing FMCG company. Both companies touch the lives of many in India and is considered an essential part of every Indian household, with a wide range of products offered across various consumer categories. Through this paper, an attempt has been made to show the impact of the marketing approaches on the revenue of both the companies and their competitors.