Volume 7 Issue 1: 2019
1. A Prospect Low Frequency Oscillation Eliminate from Power System via ANFIS based Extreme Controller with PSS Excitation System
Authors: 1Abhishek Gahirwar, 2Amit Goswami
1M. Tech. Scholar, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Disha Institute of Management and Technology, Satya Vihar Raipur (C.G.), India, Email:agahirwar@gmail.com
2Head of Department, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Disha Institute of Management and Technology, Satya Vihar Raipur (C.G.), India, Email: amit.goswami@dishamail.com
In the present era, the power system has become a vital part to provide stability enhancement. The stability of a power system depends on how low frequency disturbances which are typically in the frequency range of 0.2 to 3.0 Hz, accurately find out and cleared so that quick restoration and maintains a stability enhancement of power is accomplished. Loss of synchronism and stability enhancement are needs to be performed using ANFIS controlled based excitation of power system [3]. The significant factors which affect the operation of power system during the occurrence of low frequency disturbances are mainly; Loss of synchronism which might be excited by the disturbances in the system or, in some cases, might even build up spontaneously. These factors can be analyzed to find out the occurrence of the low frequency disturbance in the power line operation. Various techniques like Power System Stabilizer with algorithm based or logic controlled based, UPFC has been used in past to find out and cleared the different low frequency disturbances occurred in the transmission line. The proper selection of enhanced feedback is a very tedious and time consuming task and also requires brief knowledge of the system configuration. To avoid the drawbacks of conventional power system stabilizer with algorithm or logic controller based techniques, this dissertation proposed, an efficient and robust technique of stability enhancement using ANFIS based power system excitation. The advantage of the proposed technique is that; it improves the overshoot of power and reduced the time for low frequency oscillations [1]. The ANFIS based stability enhancement accuracy of proposed technique has been verified using MATLAB/Simulink 2013(a) software. The obtained results show that the proposed technique is efficient in stability enhancement of all type of loss of synchronism and hence reliable tool for low frequency disturbance occurred in power system.
Keywords— Power System Stabilizer, Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Interface, Unified Power Flow Controller, Automatic Voltage Regulator, Multi machine infinite bus, Excitation System.
DDI- 10.2348/ijset070119006
2. Compare Stability Management in Power System Using 48- Pulse Inverter, D-STATCOM and Space Vector Modulation Based STATCOM
Authors: 1Ramchandra Sahu, 2Amit Goswami
1M. Tech. Scholar, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Disha Institute of Management and Technology, Satya Vihar Raipur (C.G.), India, Email: rcsahu2907@gmail.com
2Head of Department, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Disha Institute of Management and Technology, Satya Vihar Raipur (C.G.), India, Email: amit.goswami@dishamail.com
This paper demonstrates how the power flow sharing can be achieved in power system using programmable AC sources that is supplying linear and nonlinear loads. Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation (SVPWM) is used as a control algorithm in a three-phase Voltage Source Converter (VSC) which acts as a Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) for providing reactive power compensation. Voltage Source Converter used as a Static Synchronous Compensator provides efficient damping for sub synchronous resonance that improves the renewable hybrid power system stability in addition to reactive power correction [2]. The Voltage Source Converter with space vector control algorithm is provided for compensating the reactive power flow to correct the power factor, eliminating harmonics and balancing both linear and non-linear loads. Among different Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) techniques space vector technique is proposed as it is easy to improve digital realization and AC bus utilization. The proposed control algorithm relies on an approximate third-order nonlinear model of the Voltage Source Converter that accounts for uncertainty in three phase system parameters. The control strategy for reliable power sharing between AC power sources in grid and loads is proposed by using Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation controller.
Keywords— Static Compensator (STATCOM), Voltage Source Converter (VSC), Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation (SVPWM)
DDI- 10.2348/ijset070119017
3. Potential Soil Erosion Mapping Using RUSLE, Remote Sensing and GIS: The Case Study of Wolaita Sodo Town and Surrounding Area, SNNPR, Ethiopia
Authors: 1*Mesfin Girma Mamo, 1Yimam Mohammed Yimer, 1Mohammed Demise Lenjiso
1*Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, Wolaita Sodo University, Sodo, Ethiopia, girmam366@gmail.com
1Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, Wolaita Sodo University, Sodo, Ethiopia, yimam2003@gmail.com
1Lecturer, Department of Hydraulic and Water Resource Engineering, Wolaita Sodo University, Sodo, Ethiopia
Soil erosion is the process of detachment, transportation and deposition of soil particles from land surface and events that cause economical, social and environmental damage. It is still one of the most important land problem and most pronounced form of soil degradation in Ethiopia. This study exploits the integrated approach of the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) with GIS and remote sensing techniques to assess soil erosion harshness in the Wolaita Sodo Town and surrounding areas. Digital elevation model (DEM), land use/land cover (LU/LC) maps, and rainfall and soil data were used as an input to identify the most erosion prone areas. Accordingly, the area was classified into five erosion intensity classes: very low (13.574%), low (9.873%), moderate (29.117%), high (18.792%) and very high (28.644%) risk classes. The soil erosion modeling showed an extremely high erosion risk in the bare land and a high erosion risk in the agriculture areas. The results of the study revealed that the total amount of potential soil loss in the study area is 500.9tons/ha/yr. The RUSLE model integrated with RS and GIS can easily identify areas that are at potential risk of extensive soil erosion and provide information on the estimated value of soil loss at various locations in the watershed area.
Keywords: Soil erosion, RUSLE, RS, GIS, Wolaita Sodo.
DDI- 10.2348/ijset070119025
4. Machine Learning Technique to Hide Data Using Python
Authors: 1Rashid Hussain, 2Rabia Khan
Affiliation : 1Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Sule Lamido University, Kafin Hausa, Jigawa State, Nigeria, Email: rashid65_its@yahoo.com
2MCA, Punjab Technical University, India, Email: r_khan01@yahoo.com
In this contemporary time, it is very difficult to secure data during transfer from one place to another. In today’s constrained environment, it is very easy to attack and compromise the security. So, more secure methods is required to escape from this condition. Hence, this paper is a proposed a new technique which is based on steganography and cryptography both. This technique is very helpful to ensures secure data transfer between the sender and receiver. It uses Discrete Contour Evolution Algorithm to Extract and insert frames and Transform Domain embedding to encode the message in video frames. This model is implemented in Python. Results received from this work are very good and better as compare to previous technique.
Keywords: Steganography Cryptography, Discrete Contour Evolution Algorithm
DDI- 10.2348/ijset070119045
Detection of Tangible & Intangible Failure Modes Through Condition Base Monitoring System
Authors- Research Scholar T. D. Sundaranath, Registrar Professor Dr. G. R. Selokar (Supervision)
Abstract- Condition monitory (CM) is determining the health and condition of equipments, machines and systems etc by observing, checking, measuring and monitoring certain parameters and signals etc. In broader sense, it is said as Equipment Health Monitoring (EHM). The concept of EHM is a simple one – Monitor the steady state characteristics of the equipment and learn those characteristics. If these conditions change in a negative way then generate an alarm, investigate the problem and make a correction before the fault becomes so serious that a plant is shut down, production is lost and cost spiral. Primary signals are generally those signals or parameters which are required to assess the performance of the equipments and which are designed to be emanated, such as oscillations in vibratory chutes/ Screens etc. Monitoring of primary signals are termed as “Performance monitoring” or “Performance Trend Monitoring”. All other signals, which appear as loss output, like vibration, sound thermal, chemical or physical changes etc, are termed as secondary signals. Secondary signals are, normally, not designed for. Monitoring primary signals alone does not help in efficient assessment of health and condition of equipments/ machines.
Exploring Creational Design Patterns: Building Flexible and Reusable Software Solutions
Authors- RamaKrishna Manchana
Abstract- Design patterns, particularly the Gang of Four (GOF) patterns, are fundamental in modern software development, offering time-tested solutions to common design challenges. This paper provides a comprehensive guide to implementing GOF design patterns, focusing on Creational patterns with practical real-world use cases. It aims to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application, demonstrating how these patterns enhance code flexibility, maintainability, and reusability. Each pattern is explained in detail with UML diagrams and code examples, making it a valuable resource for developers.