Publication fees of a journal is normally present in international journals so most of researchers try to find Journals with no publication Fee. Proving a free of cost journal to the scholars is always a depends on the mentor search. Hence each of the mentor should maintained a journal list for the scholar to guide them for publication they should be aware of following common points to filter journal from other:
Submit Paper Online here
Check Paper Publication Charges
- Valid website with indexing in reputed platforms.
- Check review time of the journal.
Check publication charges free or paid in local currency. Mentor should be aware of listing that may charge for authors count, page count, etc.
Mentor can consult about with the journal team about condition of open access publication.
Any of journal who not clear about its publication steps should be avoid, finding journals with no publication fee is always good for everyone but it should be with open access as well. As main reason of publication is to share research work with other so more people come to know about it. In case of journals that do not provide open access then find its indexing as good index journal has its own set of audience to read and content. People who are looking for the high citation must go for open access journal, but scholar who are just looking to complete degree or course can go with low cost publication journal, as review time of such journal is comparatively low with open access facility, apart form this such journals takes less review time to publish content.
In order to publish content author should read the instruction and do submission in regular basis after getting a reviewer comment to improve content. Author should be ethical to submit the plagiarism free content to journal as all of journal check plagiarism and share same with others. Author need to attach graph or other relevant image in clear form so when reader will zoom it then image will not get blur. Many of journals show fake indexing, mentor should crosscheck all if need any compulsion for the degree or course. Most of content that appears on search engine is just due to the open access availability of paper, so follow journal open access journal.