Volume 6 Issue 3

23 Sep

Review of Failure Modes Analysis Through Condition Base Monitoring (CBM) System

Authors- Research Scholar T. D. Sundaranath, Registrar Professor Dr. G. R. Selokar (Supervision)

Abstract- At present, all automobiles original equipment manufacturing plants have been testing and screening with sophisticated test ring at end of line before dispatches to end customers in all plants level. After testing, in some industries, special Quality gate have been instituted to detect the defects, which are skipping and not capturing during testing on test rig These test rigs have been embedded, instituted and installed with enormous mechanical, electrical and electronic elements like power drivers, gears, motors, sensors and with electronic gadgets Why it’s an interesting problem – For to test each machines like alternators, starter motors and wiper motors, major expenses contributing with power (Through main power supply from electricity board & through Diesel Genset , man power , methodology etc. During failure occurring in the field, the above said sophisticated test rigs and gadgets are not available instantaneously to recheck and confirm whether the machine is OK OR NOT OK. In this paper we proposed Innovation technology for detection of Tangible & Intangible failure modes through Condition Base Monitoring (CBM) System.