Volume 7 Issue 6

11 Nov

A Review on Optimizing Profit with the Linear Programming Model in a Manufacturing

Authors- M.Tech. Scholar Shrikant Desai, Professor Y.P. Ladhe 

Abstract- Manufacturing companies often face some difficulty to measure the actual production efficiency and productivity and this is due to many circumstances like resource availability and the uncertainties may happen during the production process. To improve the production and supply chain’s performance under demand uncertainty (which happens by chance) in the Bansal Pipe Industries, Indore a review of mathematical programming models for supply chain production and transport planning is inevitable. The purpose of this study is to identify current and future researches in this field and to propose a taxonomy framework based on the following elements: supply chain structure, decision level, modeling approach, purpose, shared information, limitations, novelty and application.

Performance Analysis of Organic Rankine Cycle (Orc) For Waste Heat Recovery with Different Refrigerant

Authors- M.Tech. Scholar Rajeev Kumar, Prof. Brijendra Yadav

Abstract- In recent years, fossil fuel consumption increases steadily and the excessive utilization of the fuel energy could generate environmental problems such as global warming, ozone layer depletion, air pollution and acid rain. In addition, the energy conversion from primary energy into electricity is low and 60–70% of the energy is lost in terms of waste heat thus the waste heat recovery is necessary to increase the overall energy conversion efficiency. Organic Rankine cycle (ORC) is a promising technology for low grade waste heat recovery.

Excited state emission of three state lasing semiconductor Quantum dot lasers for bio spectroscopy applications

Authors- Azam Shafieenezhad, Saeed Yazdani, Esfandiar Rajaei

Abstract- We study the excited states (ES) of semiconductor lasers by considering InGaAs/GaAs quantum dot (QD) laser rate equations which are solved numerically. For different values of compression gain, dynamics of a semiconductor QD laser for enhancing its small signal and large signal modulation is studied. We also have calculated turn on delay and output power as a function of compression gain. It is shown that for different values of compression gain the laser is unresponsive and turns on delay remains constant. Also, by increasing the value of compression gain output power increases. These special characteristics of ES of InGaAs/GaAs QD lasers make them a good candidate for use in bio imaging detectors and bio spectroscopy purposes.

A Review on the Thermal Analysis of Organic Rankine Cycle Based on Different Fluid Type

Authors- M.Tech. Scholar Sanjay Rahangdale, Prof. Kashiram Kadwe

Abstract- The development of the world today has largely been achieved through the increasingly efficient and extensive use of various forms of energy. Over the past decades, the growth in energy consumption around the world has shown that fossil fuel energy source alone will not be capable of meeting future energy demands. The increase in the energy consumption by burning of fossil fuel has led to several conflicts around the world, global warming and environmental pollution such as soil, water, air and acid rain pollution. Besides the adverse environmental effects, the prices of fossil fuels are not consistent but usually going up most of the time.

A Review on Fem Analysis of Structural Response of Sandwich Beam

Authors- M. Tech Scholar Himanshu Kumar Gupta, Associate Professor Rakesh Patel, Professor Vikas S Pagey

Abstract- A composite beam consists of laminate consisting of more than one lamina bonded together through their thickness. Composite materials have interesting properties such as high strength to weight ratio, ease of fabrication, good electrical and thermal properties compared to metals. The equation of motion for the viscoelastic sandwich beam is derived. Different specimens have been modelled by varying the core layers and face layers and studied under the fixed-fixed and cantilever boundary conditions for modal analysis by various researchers. Therefore, this paper reviews the various work done by different authors towards the FEM analysis of structural response of sandwich beam.

An Efficient Genetic Approach for Congnitive Network Dynamic Link Development

Authors- M. Tech Scholar Kumari Arunima , Professor Suresh S Gawande

Abstract- Cognitive radio network increase spectrum as non- licensed users get chance to transfer there data. Hence IOT devices get dynamic access to the spectrum by sensing channel data. This paper resolve the end to end path for data transfer where spectrum utilization, interference and lesser
intermediate node were consider as main objective. To achieve those objective genetic algorithm Teacher Learning Based Optimization was used. Genetic algorithm generate dynamic path as per node positions and spectrum channel. This work apply only Teacher phase for finding end to end path. Experiment was done on different number of secondary nodes for various possible links. Results were compared with existing algorithm and it was obtained that proposed work improve spectrum utilization.

Energy Preserve using LEACH Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks

Authors- M.Tech. Scholar Harikrishnadas Raut, Asst. Professor Yogesh Ladhe

Abstract- The aim of study is to find out the effective way of improving the quality and productivity of a production line in manufacturing industry. The objective is to identify the defect of the company and create a better solution to improve the production line performance. Various industrial engineering technique and tools is implementing in this study in order to investigate and solve the problem that occurs in the production. However, seven quality control tools are the main tools that will be applied to this study. Also this work highlights the concept of seven quality tools and its application in manufacturing industry.

Survey on Integrated Control and Protection System for Photovoltaic Microgrids

Authors- M.Tech. Scholar Kasheeram Yadav, Asst. Professor Seema Shukla, Asst. Professor Priya Jha

Abstract- A micro grid is defined as a type of the grid consisting of prime energy movers, power electronics converters, distributed energy storage systems and local loads. Microgrid network enables an improved management of energy. The main goal of power management is to stabilize the system, in terms of frequency and voltage. This paper includes issues such as faults during grid connected mode and faults during islanded mode, voltage control, load sharing through P-f control and various types of protection schemes are discussed. Overall stability and reliability of microgrid depends on these factors.

Lung Pattern Classification for Interstitial Lung Diseases Using a Deep Convolutional Neural Network

Authors- M.Tech. Scholar Rishabh K Sharma, Prof. Dharmendra Chourishi

Abstract- In order to contribute to the protection of the environment and the development of secondary We propose and evaluate the convolutional neural network designed for classification of ILD patterns. The 7outputs of ILD patterns: healthy, ground glass opacity (GGO), micro nodules, consolidation, reticulation, honeycombing and a combination of GGO/reticulation. To train and evaluate the CNN, we used first deep CNN designed for the specific problem. Finally we classify the performance will be demonstrate the potential of CNNs in analyzing lung patterns.

Review: Energy Preserve using LEACH Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks

Authors- M.Tech. Scholar Om Patel, Professor Shiva Bhatnagar

Abstract- In recent years there is a quick advancement in the field of Wireless sensor network. This paper gives brief introduction of Wireless sensor associate with its applications in the field of condition, structure checking, keen home watching, Industrial application, prosperity, military, vehicle recognizable proof, blockage control and RFID tag. With movement in WSN, little and simplicity sensor centers end up available, which have limits of Wireless correspondence, recognizing diverse sorts of biological conditions and data getting ready. There are different sorts of coordinating traditions depending on application and framework designing. Guiding traditions give route in the framework and capable multi-skip correspondence. WSNs can be found in various applications like normal native and military by and large which get a handle on enemy interference area, challenge following, calm watching, living space checking, fire acknowledgment and cutting edge.

Review of Image Retrieval Techniques

Authors- M.Tech. Scholar Deeksha Waghale, Prof. Ashish Tiwari

Abstract- The big digital image databases are yielded by the widespread of smart devices along with the exponential growth of virtual societies. If not fused with efficient Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) tools, these databases can be counter-productive. The introduction of promising CBIR systems had been witnessed last decade which promoted applications in various fields. In this editorial, ananalysis on state of the art content-based image retrieval which includes theoretical and empirical work, is propounded. This work comprises of publications that cover aspects of research relevant to CBIR area. That is to say, unsupervised and supervised education and combination techniques along with which the low-level image visual descriptors have been reported. Furthermore, challenges and applications that appeared to carry CBIR research have been discussed in this work.

Trust in VANET Using Temporally Ordered Routing Algorithm Protocol

Authors- M.Tech. Scholar Divyam Singh, Prof. Shiva Bhatnagar

Abstract- Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET) security is one of the focal issues in vehicular interchanges since every vehicle needs to depend on messages conveyed by the friends where they got message could be noxious. So as to shield VANETs from noxious activities, every vehicle must probably assess, choose and respond locally on the data got from different vehicles. In this paper, we investigate probabilistic and deterministic methodologies (independently and joined) to assess trust for VANET security. The probabilistic methodology decides the trust dimension of the friend vehicles dependent on got data. The trust level is utilized to decide authenticity of the message, which is utilized to choose whether the message would be considered for further transmission over the VANET or dropped. The deterministic methodology estimates the trust dimension of the got message by utilizing separations determined utilizing got flag quality (RSS) and the vehicle’s relocation (position facilitate). Blend of probabilistic and deterministic methodology gives better outcomes contrasted with individual methodologies. The proposed calculations are shown with numerical outcomes got from reenactments.

Review of Recommendation Techniques

Authors- M.Tech. Scholar Bharti Vishwakarma, Prof. Ashish Tiwari

Abstract- On the Internet, the place the number about Decisions may be overwhelming, there will be necessity will filter, prioritize Also effectively convey important data so as on allay those issue of majority of the data overload, which need made an possibility issue will huge numbers Internet user. Recommenders techniques work out this issue by looking through huge volume for rapidly created majority of the data on furnish user with customize content and services. This paper investigates the separate aspects and potentials for distinctive prediction techniques clinched alongside recommendation techniques in place with serve concerning illustration a compass to Scrutinize and act in the field of recommendation techniques.

Movie Recommendation using Clustering Technique

Authors- M.Tech. Scholar Pooja Relan, Prof. Abhilasha Vyas

Abstract- Recommendation system uses different types of algorithms to make any type of recommendations to user. Collaborative filtering recommendation algorithm is most popular algorithm, which uses the similar types of user with similar likings, but somewhere it is not that much efficient while working on big data. As the size of dataset becomes larger then some improvements in this algorithm must be made. Here in our proposed approach we are applying an additional hierarchical clustering technique with the collaborative filtering recommendation algorithm also the Principle Component Analysis (PCA) method is applied for reducing the dimensions of data to get more accuracy in the results. The hierarchical clustering will provide additional benefits of the clustering technique over the dataset and the PCA will help to redefine the dataset by decreasing the dimensionality of the dataset as required. By implementing the major features of these two techniques on the traditional collaborative filtering recommendation algorithm the major components used for recommendations can be improved. The proposed approach will surely enhance the accuracy of the results obtained from the traditional CFRA and will enhance the efficiency of the recommendation system in an extreme manner. The overall results will be carried out on the combined dataset of TMDB and Movie lens, which is used for making recommendations of the movies to the user according to the ratings patterns created by the particular user.

Comparative Study and Design of High Performance Mixer

Authors- M.Tech. Scholar Ranjan Patel, Asst. Prof. Priyanshu Pandey

Abstract- In recent time the use of RF mixer has been increased greatly. Gilbert cell is widely used as core of the mixer because it provides high conversion gain, good port-to-port isolation and low even-order distortion. It is found that the linearity of mixer is very good for Multi-Tanh technique by incorporating multiple differential trans-conductance stage but it reaches to very low conversion gain whereas, use of current bleeding technique increase linearity and conversion gain of the mixer by adding current source to increase the bias current at the expense of power consumption. Since, CMOS technology has become dominant because of its several advantages such as low cost, low static power dissipation and low area, the design of low noise amplifier using CMOS technology was top choice for design of Low Noise Amplifier. The single ended and differential LNA was designed to operate in a WCDMA reception range using a BSIM3V2 model (Level 49) CMOS UMC 0.18μm technology in Xcircuit Open source EDA tool. The key issues in the design, gain, noise and linearity were considered. The LNA’s was designed to provide high gain, matching to 50Ω RF system, good linearity.

High Performance Low Noise Amplifier for RF Application

Authors- M.Tech. Scholar Shradha Chouhan, Asst. Prof. Priyanshu Pandey

Abstract- Recently, In RF application the use of Low noise amplifier is highly versatile and majorly used in modern wireless communication like Wi-Max, WLAN, GSM, Bluetooth and satellite communication. Low Noise amplifier have important feature like signal amplification with rejection of noise. Low noise amplifier in modern communication used as filter with amplifier. In recent scenario low noise amplifier available in wide band, single band, multi-band frequency of application. Along with that the Low noise amplifier must be capable of reduces the reflection of signal exist by elements and connecting interface inside the amplifier. Low noise amplifier available with high gain, noise rejection and with less power consumption. In this paper review the work of past decades done in low noise amplifier. Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) is versatile used in every communication system, low noise amplifier, power amplifier and Darlington amplifier. Today technology required high speed of transmission efficiency with small power consumption and less utilization of elements in proposed amplifier, Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) products full fill all requirement of modern wireless communications, so that review and discussion, future requirement of technology is needed to discuss. In this paper discusses issues of low noise amplifier, its application, issues and recent trends. This paper review some techniques of Design of Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) to improve performance of communication system.This work has been carried out in Gspice open source simulator and the layout has been designed in Magic EDA Layout designing tool.

Review of Android Phone Security

Authors- M.Tech. Scholar Rajeshwari Yogi, Prof. Ashish Tiwari

Abstract- This paper contains profundity depiction of security models of current portable working framework like Android, iOS and Windows Phone. These security models are foundations of security on current stages. Regardless of various methodologies of security they share a great deal of for all intents and purpose. This paper additionally contains the most examined security issue of these days, Malware. Depiction of pernicious programming is from Application-based view. Be that as it may, present day working framework has solid assurance against infections and different kinds of disease through its security display, the weakest purpose of cell phones are still clients. These clients for the most part introduce extra programming into their gadgets. This paper centers on Android malware contamination and gives a couple of assurance strategies against this sort security risk.

Energy Saving in Wireless Sensor Networks

Authors- M.Tech. Scholar Kamakshi Gupta, Prof. Shailendra Tiwari

Abstract- In the time of new invention Networks many rising and future empower advancements achieve the prerequisites of pervasive correspondence systems. Remote Sensor Networks is a fundamental classification of these best in class advances, the gigantic worries of these systems are vitality proficient and efficient information accumulation. Bunch based directing in WSNs is a colossal answer for upgrade the vitality productivity of the hubs and creative information gathering. Many examinations on organize lifetime and information accumulation have been proposed by the (LEACH) Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy conspire that permits the part of the group head turned among the sensor hubs and endeavors to disseminate the vitality utilization through every one of the hubs. The lifespan of WSNs are influenced by the Cluster Head choice; this is often on the grounds that a CH expends additional power than a Cluster (non-CH) hub. Inthis examination think about, a vitality effective bunch head choice in Mobile WSN is proposed, investigated and approved on the premise of remaining vitality and randomized determination of the hub, which is not doled out as a group head in past round. Additionally, the proposed approach demonstrates the noteworthy changes when contrasted and LEACH and a unique Application Specific Network Protocol for Wireless detector Networks conventions regarding vitality utilization of sensor hubs, improved system lifetime and proficient information assembling because of less vitality utilization amid information transmission.

Rumors Detection on Twitter Using Machine Learning Techniques

Authors- M.Tech. Scholar Kavita Khalotiya, Prof. Ashish Tiwari

Abstract- Location systems of malignant substance, for example, spam and phishing on Online Social Networks (OSN) are regular with little consideration paid to different kinds of low-quality substance which really impacts clients’ substance perusing background most. The point of our work is to identify low-quality substance from the clients’ viewpoint continuously. To characterize low-quality substance conceivably, Expectation Maximization (EM) calculation is first used to coarsely order low-quality tweets into four classifications. In light of this starter think about, an overview is cautiously intended to assemble clients’ feelings on various classifications of low-quality substance. Both immediate and backhanded highlights including recently proposed highlights are recognized to portray a wide range of low-quality substance. We at that point further consolidate word level examination with the distinguished highlights and fabricate a watchword boycott lexicon to improve the recognition execution. We physically mark a broad Twitter dataset of 100,000 tweets and perform low quality content discovery continuously dependent on the described noteworthy highlights and word level investigation. The consequences of our exploration demonstrate that our technique has a high precision of 0.9711 and a decent F1 of 0.8379 dependent on an irregular woodland classifier with continuous execution in the discovery of low-quality substance in tweets. Our work in this manner accomplishes a positive effect in improving client involvement in perusing internet based life content.

Review of Digital Image Water Marking

Authors- M.Tech. Scholar Nikhil Shrivastava, Assistant Professor Prakash Mishra

Abstract- Location systems of malignant substance, for example, spam and phishing on Online Social Networks (OSN) are regular with little consideration paid to different kinds of low-quality substance which really impacts clients’ substance perusing background most. The point of our work is to identify low-quality substance from the clients’ viewpoint continuously. To characterize low-quality substance conceivably, Expectation Maximization (EM) calculation is first used to coarsely order low-quality tweets into four classifications. In light of this starter think about, an overview is cautiously intended to assemble clients’ feelings on various classifications of low-quality substance. Both immediate and backhanded highlights including recently proposed highlights are recognized to portray a wide range of low-quality substance. We at that point further consolidate word level examination with the distinguished highlights and fabricate a watchword boycott lexicon to improve the recognition execution. We physically mark a broad Twitter dataset of 100,000 tweets and perform low quality content discovery continuously dependent on the described noteworthy highlights and word level investigation. The consequences of our exploration demonstrate that our technique has a high precision of 0.9711 and a decent F1 of 0.8379 dependent on an irregular woodland classifier with continuous execution in the discovery of low-quality substance in tweets. Our work in this manner accomplishes a positive effect in improving client involvement in perusing internet based life content.

Synthesis and Characterization of MnO2 Nano particles Prepared by Hydrothermal Processing

Authors- L. Jothi, P.Divya

Abstract- In the present project, an attempt has been made to synthesize MnO₂ nanopowders by hydrothermal method at relatively low temperature, short duration and low cost. The amorphous nature of the MnO2 nano powders were confirmed by using X-Ray diffraction studies. In order to know the functional group present in the MnO2 nano powders of three different concentration were examined by FTIR spectroscopy in the range of 4000 – 400 cm-1. Optical band gap, absorption spectra and transmittance spectra of three different MnO2 nanopowders were analyzed using UV – VIS spectroscopy. The surface morphology of the prepared samples were studied. The SEM image of MnO2 reveals that most of the particles are spherical and few are in nano flakes shape. The elemental analysis and concentration of the nanoparticles in atomic percent has been studied by EDX analysis.

Software Define Network Base Underwater Links Protect Verification

Authors- M.Tech. Scholar Priyanka Patwari, Asst. Prof. Madhvi Singh Bhanwar

Abstract- Software-defined networking (SDN) is recognized as the next-generation networking paradigm. The software-defined architecture for underwater acoustic sensor networks (SDUASNs) has become a hot topic. However, the current researches on SDUASNs are still in its infancy, which mainly focuses on network architecture, data transmission and routing. There exist some shortcomings that the scale of the SDUASNs is difficult to expand, and the security maintenance is seldom dabble. Therefore, scalable software-definition architecture for underwater acoustic sensor networks (SSDUASNs) is introduced in this paper. It realizes an organic combination of the knowledge level, control level, and data level. The new nodes can easily access the network, which could be conducive to large-scale deployment. Then, the basic security authentication mechanism called BSAM is designed based on our architecture. In order to reflect the advantages of flexible and programmable in SSDUASNs, security authentication mechanism with pre-push (SAM-PP) is proposed in the further. In the current UASNs, nodes authentication protocol is inefficient as high consumption and long delay. In addition, it is difficult to adapt to the dynamic environment. The two mechanisms can effectively solve these problems. Compared to some existing schemes, BSAM and SAM-PP can effectively distinguish between legal nodes and malicious nodes, save the storage space of nodes greatly, and improve the efficiency of network operation. Moreover, SAM-PP has a further advantage in reducing the authentication delay.

Plastic Waste Recycling in Cameroon: Characterization of a Thermoplastics and Composite

Authors- Ngouffo Koukougnang René, Fokwa Didier, Tchemou Gilbert,
Fomethe Anaclet, Talla Pierre Kisito

Abstract- In order to contribute to the protection of the environment and the development of secondary resources, this study focuses on the transformation of plastic waste into polymer matrix composite materials. For this purpose, test pieces based on sand + polyethylene and sand + polypropylene mixture, brought to 450℃ were developed and subjected to water absorption, bending and compression tests. The highest water absorption rate is 0.34%. The average compressive strength is between the M 20 and Mdclasses (d = 25 N / mm2) of the mortars (NBN EN 998-2). The volumic masses for their part are between 1213 kg / m3 and 1565 kg / m3.

Extraction, Fabrication and Mechanical Property Characterization of Palm, Fiber Composite Materials

Authors- Marta Kebede, Dr. Anil Kummar, Kancharla Srinivasarao, Amberbir Wondimu

Abstract- World is as of now concentrating on alternate material sources that are environment agreeable and biodegradable in nature. Because of the expanding natural concerns, bio composite produced out of regular fiber and polymeric resin, is one of the late advancements in the business and constitutes the present extent of experimental work. The use of composite materials field is increasing gradually in engineering. The composite consists of mainly two phases i.e. matrix and fiber. The accessibility of characteristic fiber and simplicity of assembling have enticed scientists worldwide to attempt by regional standards accessible inexpensive fiber and to learning their achievability of fortification determinations and to what degree they fulfill the obliged particulars of great strengthened polymer composite aimed at structural requisition. The advantage of natural fibers is their continuous supply, easy and safe handling, and biodegradable nature. Although natural fibers exhibit admirable physical and mechanical properties, it varies with the plant source, species, geography, and so forth. Palm leaf fiber is one of the abundantly available materials of Ethiopia and has not been studied yet as it is required. A detailed study of mechanical properties will bring out logical and reasonable utilization of palm leaf fiber epoxy composite for various applications. as the experimental work shows the basic mechanical properties of the new composite is comparable with existing synthetic fiber composites, Stress of the new source of material is (356-2097KPa). Tensile modulus of the new source material is (51-414KPa).Strain of the material developed is (5.07-6.97%).Bending strength of the material is 13MPa.hence this is excellent initiation for further study on such leaf areas of natural sources of material.

A Survey on Various Digital Image Retrieval Techniques and Features

Authors- Dr. Rajendra Gupta, Saket Jain

Abstract- As the quantity of web clients are expanding every day. This work concentrates on the retrieval of pictures by using the visual and annotation characteristics of the images. Presently this expansion of information has draw in numerous researchers for looking through the relevant pictures from the dataset. This paper gives a concise review of picture recovery strategies for different environment scenes. Picture examination features are depict in this paper with their prerequisites. Here various researcher approaches are deeply explained with their requirements. Evaluation parameters for the comparison of different approaches were also explained.

Prediction of Heart Disease using Machine Learning

Authors- M.Tech. Scholar Yashita Agarwal, Asst. Prof. Deepak Singh Tomar, Hod Dr. Bhupesh Gour

Abstract- An electrocardiogram (ECG) is an important diagnostic tool for the assessment of cardiac arrhythmias in clinical routine. In this process, we introduce the a deep learning based convolution neural network framework, which is previously trained on a general signal data set is transferred to carry out automatic ECG arrhythmia diagnostics by classifying patient ECG’s into corresponding cardiac conditions. The Main focus of this process is to implement a simple, reliable and easily applicable deep learning technique for the classification of the selected two different cardiac categories conditions. The results demonstrated that the transferred deep learning classification cascaded with a conventional back propagation neural network were able to obtain very high performance rates.

Searching Mechanism for Encrypted Cloud Storage Materials

Authors- M.Tech. Scholar Mintu Kumar, Professor Mr. Niresh Sharma

Abstract- Cloud computing can be defined as a new style of computing in which the resources are provided online through the internet. It provides storage as well as service. It uses the technique of virtualization. Virtualization provides the abstraction of data. Large amount of data can store in the cloud. Cloud provider encrypts the sensitive data and stores it in the cloud so that only the authenticated users can access the data. Thus the keyword privacy is maintained. Searching is very difficult in encrypted data.

Survey of a Fatigue Life Prediction for Safe and Economical Machine Shaft

Authors- M.Tech. Scholar Gaurav Kumar, Asst. Prof. Ranjeet Kumar, Asst. Prof. R.S. Sikarwar

Abstract- The Finite Element Method is essentially a product of electronic digital computer age. Though the approach shares many features common to the numerical approximations, it possesses some advantages with the special facilities offered by the high speed computers. In particular, the method can be systematically programmed to accommodate such complex and difficult problems as non homogeneous materials, non linear stress-strain behavior and complicated boundary conditions. It is difficult to accommodate these difficulties in the Least Square Method or Ritz Method etc. an advantage of Finite Element Method is the variety of levels at which we may develop an understanding of technique.

Survey on Cloud Model Services and Unreliable Node Detection Techniques

Authors- M.Tech. Scholar Sonanchal Singh, Asst. Prof. Sumit sharma

Abstract- Trust assumes a vital job in cloud condition to offer dependable administrations to the cloud clients. It is the fundamental purpose behind the notoriety of administrations among the cloud customers. To accomplish this, trust ought to be set up between cloud specialist organization and cloud buyer. Trust the board is generally utilized in online administrations, E-trade and interpersonal organizations. This paper gives a brief review of trust based cloud model where different techniques of this model were explained. Here related work adopt by other researchers were detailed. This paper gives an evaluation parameter list for the comparison of method as well.

Genetic Algorithm Based Load Data Analysis for Demand Side Management

Authors- M.Tech. Scholar Navin Kumar Sah, Asst. Prof. Ashish Bhargava

Abstract- Electricity demand in India is steadily increasing as electrical loads grows and largely due to population growth, as well as due to government subsidies which may lead to prices much lower than actual production cost.

Investigation of Four Organic Fluids Effects on Energy Analysis of a Combined Cycle: Organic Rankine Cycle / Vapor compression Refrigeration

Authors- M.Tech. Scholar Prashant Kumar, Professor Sujeet Kumar Singh

Abstract- In this study, the energy and energy analysis of a combined cycle was carried out. This cycle consists of an organic Rankine cycle and a vapor compression refrigeration cycle for producing the cooling effect. Four organic fluids were used as working fluids such as R600a, R245fa, RC318 and R236fa. The parametric analysis allowed us to characterize the combined system and to study the effect of some parameters that were used to estimate the thermal and energy efficiency of the studied system. The results showed that the operating parameters have a significant impact on the performance of the combined system. Due to environmental issues of R600a is recommended as a superior candidate for the ORC-VCR system for retrieving low-grade thermal energy. On the other hand, the results of the energy destruction distribution showed also that maximum energy destruction rate is found in R600a and minimum is in RC318.

Application of Nano fluids in Vehicle Engine Cooling System: A Review

Authors- M.Tech. Scholar Atulya , Professor Deo Kumar Singh

Abstract- This paper reviewed the application of nano fluids in vehicle engine cooling system. So far, nano particles have been used in engine oil, transmission oil, and radiator coolant to enhance heat transfer removal from vehicle engine. The heat transfer performance of nano fluids has been reported to perform better compared to pure fluid. This review focused on the experimental and numerical studies by previous researchers and their suggested amount of nano particles for optimum performance in vehicle engine cooling system. Finally, the conclusions were presented according to the data collected.

A Survey on Various Techniques and Features of Digital Image Data Watermarking

Authors- Shweta Singh

Abstract- As the computerized world is developing with different sort of information like content record, picture, video. Out of those picture assumes a significant job in various field, for example, remote detecting, internet based life, and so on. So keep up the picture quality is finished by Digital image processing on different issues. This paper gives a concise study of image proprietorship maintenance by information concealing procedures for different type of images. Picture investigation features are portray in this paper with their fundamentals. As watermark information is invisible yet it has to maintain some properties of watermarking which are likewise explain in this paper as they are the best measure for comparing various procedures of watermarking work. Detail discussion of various researcher works was also brief in this paper.

A Comparative Analysis of Power Loss Reduction using optimization Techniques and Solvers

Authors- M.Tech. Scholar BhalChandra Tiwari, Hod Dr. A.K. Sharma

Abstract- This paper presents a review of real and reactive power loss of various bus radial distribution systems using local search optimization for dg placement at optimum location. It describes active power loss, reactive power loss and voltage profile of radial distribution system as well as distributed generation. Here also discuss local search optimization, forward-backward sweep method to determine voltage and current from sending end and receiving end as well as load flow study of various bus. To minimize distribution losses considering cost function for distribution system load flow planning. To reduce the losses of radial distribution system, it also comprises ring main system and radial distribution system. To minimum real and reactive power losses by placement of distribution generation at particular location, this will be identified by local search optimization. The method named local search method is adopted for finding suitable locations to provide distributed generation & the optimum value of the real power source at that site.

Secure Routing Method in Wireless Sensor Networks Based PSO

Authors- M.Tech. Scholar Anamika Kumari, Asst. Prof. Niresh Sharma, Dr. Varsha Namdeo

Abstract- The need for efficient optimization of network resources to cover the lifetime of large-scale and dense deployments of Wireless Sensor Networks opened the door for researchers to study and produce efficient clustering techniques. Clustering has proven an effective approach for organizing a large scale WSN into connected groups increasing the lifetime and the reliability of such networks. Distance of the nodes from the base station and inter-node distances can have a high influence on saving energy and extending the network lifetime. In this process, a PSO based data transmission in WSN is proposed. PSO algorithm to optimize clustering process by considering the energy, velocity, speech of each node. This feature will have a great effect in prolonging the network lifetime as it reduces the amount of energy wasted on replacing the node.

Image Compression by using Dwt Technique With Mse Reduction

Authors- PG Scholar Tanu Nigam , Manish Rai

Abstract- Expelling clamor from the first sign is as yet a difficult issue for analysts. There have been a few distributed calculations and each approach has its suspicions, points of interest, and constraints. This paper shows a survey of some huge work in the zone of picture de noising. After a short presentation, some prominent methodologies are characterized into various gatherings and an outline of different calculations and investigation is given. Wavelet calculations are extremely valuable instrument for sign preparing, for example, picture pressure and picture de noising. The primary point is to show the aftereffect of wavelet coefficients in the new premise, the commotion can be limit or expelled from the information. Experiences and potential future patterns in the region of de noising are additionally examined.

A Survey on Techniques and Features of Document Classification

Authors- Nagendra Mishra, Asst. Prof. Nischal Mishra

Abstract- Traditional information retrieval methods become inadequate for increasing vast amount of data. Without knowing what could be in the documents; it is difficult to formulate effective queries for analyzing and extracting useful information from the data. This survey focused on some of the present strategies used for filtering documents. Starting with different types of text features this paper has discussed about recent developments in the field of classification of text documents. This paper gives a concise study of methods proposed by different researchers. Here various pre-processing steps were also discussed with a comprehensive and comparative understanding of existing literature.

A Survey on Social Bot Detection various Features
and Techniques

Authors- M. Tech. Scholar Hemant Ojha, Dr. Jitendra Agrawal

Abstract- This paper presents the study of various methods for detection of fake profiles. In this paper a study of various papers is done, and in the reviewed paper we explain the algorithm and methods for detecting fake profiles for security purpose. The main part of this paper covers the security assessment of security on social networking sites. This paper gives a brief survey of social bot detection challenges. Here features of fake profiles are collect. Hence paper reveals the potential hazards of malicious social bots, reviews the detection techniques within a methodological categorization and proposes avenues for future research.

A Survey on Digital Document Classification Various Features and Techniques

Authors- Jitendra Yadav, Prof. Sumit Sharma, Prof. Pranjali Malviya

Abstract- Traditional information retrieval methods become inadequate for increasing vast amount of data. Without knowing what could be in the documents; it is difficult to formulate effective queries for analyzing and extracting useful information from the data. This survey focused on some of the present strategies used for filtering documents. Starting with different types of text features this paper has discussed about recent developments in the field of classification of text documents. This paper gives a concise study of methods proposed by different researchers. Here various pre-processing steps were also discussed with a comprehensive and comparative understanding of existing literature.

enges. Here features of fake profiles are collect. Hence paper reveals the potential hazards of malicious social bots, reviews the detection techniques within a methodological categorization and proposes avenues for future research.

Survey on Intrusion Detection System Techniques and Feature Reduction

Authors- M.Tech. Scholar Pakija Sehar, HOD CSE Dr. Avinash Sharma

Abstract- As number of service execution is done on digital networks, so security of those plays an important role. Hence intrusion detection system were developed by researcher to increase the reliability of internet network users. This paper has focus on the network intrusion detection techniques proposed by researcher of this field. Different types of attacks done by intruders on the system, network, cloud, etc. This paper has finds some feature reduction survey as well which increase the intrusion detection accuracy. Classification of IDS techniques was also performed. Various evaluation parameters were summarized for the comparison of methods.

The Future of Indian Banking Sector-AI way

Authors- Dr. Savita Bhagat

Abstract- The aim of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is to imitate human intelligence in machines, Machine learning algorithms and software which self-improves as it gets fed with more and more data is the basis of AI.AI led computer develops numerous sets of inferences to solve problems in decision-making situations while acquiring and retaining knowledge. This AI movement is now attracting the financial industry as it can get immense benefits out of it. Globally, banks are the biggest buyers of technology. Indian banks are no exception. Our Financial sector is becoming one of the foremost explorer, adopter and implementer of AI. To name a few, the State Bank of India (SBI) conducted “Code for Bank” hackathon to inspire designers to build solutions leveraging ultramodern technologies such as AI and Blockchain into services of the banking sector. Private sector banks like HDFC Bank and ICICI Bank have already introduced chat- bots for customers’ service. Some banks have even gone ahead with placing robots for customer’s service. Previous year, Canara Bank installed ‘Mitra’and ‘Candi ’ robots at some of its offices. This paper is an attempt to see the transformation journey Indian banking sector through AI.

ANN Based Prediction Water Quality Parameters in Bihar River Rewa City (M.P.)

Authors- Puspendra Patel, Sandeep Mishra

Abstract- All life on earth depends on water. Fresh water is a critical, finite, vulnerable, renewable natural resource on the earth and plays as important role in our living environment without it life is impossible .In this paper we are analyzed to monthly variation and comparative physio- chemical study of Baba Ghat of Bihar river of Rewa city (M. P.) In this paper a implementation of prediction model using artificial intelligence and deep learning method. Now observed result are show result and analysis section. In this article obtained accuracy at 91% using ANN and SVM is found 31%.

Bio-Geography Based Page Prediction Using Web Mining Feature

Authors- Trivene Khede, Dr. Avinash Sharma

Abstract- Website is god place to reach the audience of any field. Many of companies are using these platform for different business. Retaining a web visitor on website depends on available content and intelligence of site. This paper has developed a intelligent model that can predict the web page by understanding the behavior of the user. Biogeography optimization genetic algorithm was used to predict the web page as per past user visits. This work uses web content and web log feature of the website for evaluating the fitness value of genetic algorithm chromosomes. Experiment was done on real dataset with different size. Result shows that proposed model has improved values of different evaluation parameters.

Behavioral Design Patterns: Enhancing Software Interaction and Communication

Authors- RamaKrishna Manchana

Abstract- Behavioral design patterns, as defined by the Gang of Four (GOF), focus on the interaction and communication between objects. These patterns help define the protocols of communication between objects, promoting flexible and reusable code. This paper explores Behavioral patterns in depth, highlighting their practical applications in modern software development. Each pattern is explained with real-world examples, UML diagrams, and code implementations, demonstrating how these patterns enhance software flexibility and maintainability. The study aims to guide developers in effectively utilizing Behavioral patterns to address complex design challenges.